Hello everyone, and welcome to another Challenge Accepted! I thought it would be fun to get to know some of the Simmers that play the Legacy Challenge, Wonder Child Challenge, and/or Apocalypse Challenge (and any other challenges that we post here), so I am going to be sending out interview questions to Simmers to learn more about them and how they got into the Sims. If you would like to participate, please let me know!
This week’s Challenge Accepted! features Summerfalls a Sims 4 Wonder Child Challenge writer! Summerfalls writes on his blog regularly and is currently working on getting his Wonder Child through childhood and into her teenager years. He also writes other short stories there as well. Here is what Summerfalls has to say:
Mystic: When did you start playing The Sims?
I started playing the Sims since the Sims 2 came out for Console. I remember when me, my brother and my older sister all chipped in money to get it and we’ve never regretted it, aha. I was clearly underage to play this game, but I understood everything already, so no harm done? 😛
Summerfalls: What made you decide to try the Legacy Challenge and/or other player-made challenges for the game?
I decided to do the Wonder Child challenge because I needed a new purpose to play my game, the Sims 4 was getting a tad boring and I was almost about to put it down until I found these challenges. They literally gave my game a new purpose and through storytelling, I was able to show everyone what I can do 😀
What is your favorite game and expansion pack for the franchise?
My favorite game would have to be The Sims 2 Castaway for PS2, I would play it for hours on end without ever getting bored. It literally was so amazing, plus, my simself looked really good in a grass skirt 😉 . My favorite expansion pack would have to be… Ambitions for TS3 so far, it would depend on how Get To Work is to see if that changes. I loved how in Ambitions you had a wide range of careers to choose from, and you could be self-employed as well!
What is your favorite Sims challenge to Let’s Play/Stream/write about?
Since I’ve only been writing Wonder Child challenges, that would be one of my favorites to write about, but from what I’ve read of Legacy Challenges, they look like they would be a lot of fun to write as well! I can’t wait to get started on my legacy which should be soon-ish.
Of all of your Sims, who is your favorite?
Ooh, my favorite Sim that I have ever played would have to be… Malcolm Buttersquash, he was an insane, goofball who was bros with other people. Sadly, he died because he got too angry, but he was so funny to play with. At the moment, my favorite sim to play with is Leliana Frenlore, who is my Wonder Child in my Wonder Child story, she really gives the game life when I take screenshots. And she’s just amazing!
Of all of the Sims games, what is your favorite lifetime wish/aspiration?
Out of all the Sims games, my favorite aspiration would have to be the Writer’s Aspiration in The Sims 4. I really like it because since I want to become a Writer, it’s close to what I actually want to achieve!
Do you have any tips for people that are just starting out playing Sims challenges?
Have fun with your story, write it the way YOU want! Maybe throw in something random if you think your story is getting boring, but with all the craziness that might be going on in your story, it’s never a dull moment!
Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions!