Challenge Accepted! – An Interview With Lynnwood


Hello everyone, and welcome to another Challenge Accepted! I thought it would be fun to get to know some of the Simmers that play the Legacy Challenge, Wonder Child Challenge, and/or Apocalypse Challenge (and any other challenges that we post here), so I am going to be sending out interview questions to Simmers to learn more about them and how they got into the Sims. If you would like to participate, please let me know!

This week’s Challenge Accepted! features Lynnwood aka Jamie, writer of the Gieke Legacy. Lynnwood allows readers to vote on the next heir and is currently up to Generation 4. The Gieke Legacy was founded by Chester Gieke and is using Equality, Strict Traditional, and Democracy as heir selection laws. Here is what Lynnwood has to say:

Mystic: When did you start playing The Sims?

Lynnwood: My VERY first foray into the world of the sims was a version on Playstation that I failed at spectacularly, I couldn’t even get through the tutorial. A year or so later my roommate got me started on TS2 for PC and the rest was history. Altogether I think I’ve been playing for about 7 or 8 years now.

What made you decide to try the Legacy Challenge and/or other player-made challenges for the game?

One of my favorite aspects of the game has always been playing families and seeing how the genetics work. The aforementioned roommate first introduced me to the concept of 10-gen legacies, and I liked that it gave me specific goals to work toward. The open sandbox is all well and good, but sometimes it’s nice to play with a solid framework.

What is your favorite game and expansion pack for the franchise?

Overall I think I’m going to like TS4 the best, once it gets enough EPs and SPs under its belt to compete with past games. But my favorite EP to date by FAR is Supernatural from TS3. I just love all the different occult life states and the Alchemy skill.

What is your favorite Sims challenge to Let’s Play/Stream/write about?

I think my favorite challenge to write about is the ISBI challenge (I’m Surrounded By Idiots). It’s so far out of my usual comfort zone. When I play normally I micro-manage every sim and being forced NOT to can yield some crazy and hilarious results. And plus, seeing sims pass out/pee on themselves NEVER gets old.

Of all of your Sims, who is your favorite?

I don’t know if I could claim him as ‘mine’ per se, but I’ll always have a special place in my heart for Chester Gieke. I loved him in TS2 and he’s my adorkable founder for my legacy in TS4.

Of all of the Sims games, what is your favorite lifetime wish/aspiration?

Hm, that’s a toughie . . . . I’m going to go with Surrounded By Family, TS3. I’m all about raising nooboos.

Do you have any tips for people that are just starting out playing Sims challenges?

I think the biggest thing to remember is to HAVE FUN. Don’t ever let yourself get bogged down too much in the rules or stress out about them. Remember that it’s first and foremost a game and however you need to play to enjoy it, then that’s what you should do.

Thank you very much for taking the time to answer our questions!