Hello everyone! Below are this week’s most recently updated Sims Challenge Stories for the week of 6/29/2015!
There are a lot of stories to go through, so if I missed anyone, please let me know in the comments below and I will add you!
Hello everyone! Below are this week’s most recently updated Sims Challenge Stories for the week of 6/29/2015!
There are a lot of stories to go through, so if I missed anyone, please let me know in the comments below and I will add you!
Hello everyone! Below are this week’s most recently updated Sims Challenge Stories for the week of 6/22/2015!
There are a lot of stories to go through, so if I missed anyone, please let me know in the comments below and I will add you!
There are a lot of stories to go through, so if I missed anyone, please let me know in the comments below and I will add you!
Hello everyone and welcome to another Weekly Let’s Play List!
Each week we will post a list of new Let’s Plays and chapters in separate posts so that you can check out what others are doing and stay up to date with them. I will be posting the Let’s Play list today and the written story list tomorrow.
If I missed anyone, please let me know. It can be difficult to make sure I include every Let’s Play related to our challenges as there are a lot of them. So just comment below if you know of one that I missed!
PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT – While compiling today’s list I came across a user that is blatantly copying other Simmer’s videos and not only posting them as their own, but also monetizing them. Not only is this not cool, this is copyright infringement and reportable. Make your own content or get off of Youtube.
Hello everyone! Below are this week’s most recently updated Legacy Challenge & Wonder Child Stories for the week of 6/1/2015!
There are a lot of stories to go through, so if I missed anyone, please let me know in the comments below and I will add you!
Hello everyone and welcome to another Weekly Let’s Play List! It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these lists! I wanted to get back into posting these weekly as this was a popular series here.
Each week we will post a list of new Let’s Plays and chapters in separate posts so that you can check out what others are doing and stay up to date with them. I will be posting the Let’s Play list today and the written story list tomorrow (which means that the Let’s Play list will be posted each Monday and the writers list each Tuesday).
If I missed anyone, please let me know. It can be difficult to make sure I include every Let’s Play related to our challenges as there are a lot of them. So just comment below if you know of one that I missed!
Continue reading →
Hello everyone! Below are this week’s most recently updated Legacy Challenge & Wonder Child Stories for the week of 3/2/2015!
Please note: I’ve renamed this series as we have now added the Apocalypse Challenge to the list and that would make the title too long. This list still only reflects challenges created by us, and no other challenges.
Hello everyone and welcome to another Weekly Let’s Play List! Each week we will post a list of new Let’s Plays and chapters in separate posts so that you can check out what others are doing and stay up to date with them. I will be posting the Let’s Play list today and the written story list tomorrow (which means that the Let’s Play list will be posted each Monday and the writers list each Tuesday).
Please note, with the release of the Apocalypse Challenge, I have changed the name of this series to simply say “Weekly Let’s Play List” as the title would have been too long otherwise. This list is still only for challenges that Pinstar and I have created. We will not be including Let’s Plays of other challenges.
Here are the new episodes for the week of March 2, 2015:
Hello everyone, and welcome to a new series here at the Sims Legacy Challenge… Challenge Accepted! I thought it would be fun to get to know some of the Simmers that play the Legacy Challenge, Wonder Child Challenge, and/or Apocalypse Challenge (and any other challenges that we post here), so I am going to be sending out interview questions to Simmers over the next few weeks. If you would like to participate, please let me know!
This week’s Challenge Accepted! Interview features Jendowoz and Sims story writer. She is currently working on the Moreland Legacy as well as a medieval themed story called The Lost Soul. You can check both out on her blog. Here is what she had to say:
Hello everyone! Below are this week’s most recently updated Legacy Challenge & Wonder Child Stories for the week of 2/23/2015!
Please note: I’ve renamed this series as we have now added the Apocalypse Challenge to the list and that would make the title too long. This list still only reflects challenges created by us, and no other challenges.