Sims 3 Stories
The Sims 3 Let’s Legacy #63 – This Freaking Episode, Man
Haven’t laughed this hard playing a Sims game in a long time! So much went hilariously wrong!
Let’s Play List – 9/20/2016
Yay! I’m finally getting around to posting another Let’s Play List! It’s been a while!
Unfamiliar with what these lists are? Every week or so, I post a list of links to the latest episodes/chapters of let’s plays and written stories that revolve around one of Pinstar’s or my challenges (Legacy, Apocalypse, Wonder Child, Immigrant, Block Party) for the Sims 2, 3, or 4. I hope it’s a good way to help you all discover new creators out there that you would like to follow!
As always if I’ve missed anyone, please let me know!
The Sims 3 Let’s Legacy Episode 60 – Sprucing Things Up
Sims 3 Let’s Legacy #59 – They’re Back! And I Have No Idea What I’m Doing
The very first series that I ever recorded for my Youtube channel is now back and will be appearing regularly every Tuesday at 10 am EST! With any luck, this will be the first Legacy Challenge that I ever finish! (yes, I’m married to the challenge’s creator and I never finished a Legacy LOL) You can check it out below!
Stories List – 8/22/2016
Hello everyone! I hope you all had a great weekend!
Here is the latest Stories list for challenges created by Pinstar and me. Hopefully I included everyone, but if you or someone you know is missing from the list, don’t hesitate to leave me a comment below to let me know who I missed!
Also, feel free to share your stories links on the new Legacy Challenge Discord server as well as in the comments. I make sure to check both daily!
Let’s Get (More) Social!

Hey everyone! Hope you all had a great weekend.
You may or may not have seen that I had to take the forums down the other day due to an error that caused a lot of the topics and posts to disappear. I decided that it was really worth keeping them up because it was pretty confusing for me to attempt to run them when I didn’t really know what I was doing. Continue reading →
Let’s Play List – 8/10/2016
Hey everyone! I decided to split up the Creator’s List after all as it seemed a bit too long to keep all in one giant list. So I am posting the Let’s Play List today and will have the written stories list up in a few days or early next week!
Unfamiliar with what these lists are? Every week or so, I post a list of links to the latest episodes/chapters of let’s plays and written stories that revolve around one of Pinstar’s or my challenges (Legacy, Apocalypse, Wonder Child, Immigrant, Block Party) for the Sims 2, 3, or 4. I hope it’s a good way to help you all discover new creators out there that you would like to follow!
As always if I’ve missed anyone, please let me know! Continue reading →
Creators List – 8/1/2016
It’s baaaaack!
Hey everyone! Sorry for not getting one of these lists up in SO long, but as you know, the move took a lot out of me and it is taking a while to get back into the swing of things.
I decided to lump Let’s Plays and Stories into one list and just call it a “Creators List” since I am highlight the works of various Legacy, Wonderchild, Apocalypse, Block Party etc Simmers. I have also decided that this list will not be updated weekly at the moment as I don’t have time to do so. It will most likely be released monthly for now.
As always, there is a very good chance that I have missed people while making this list (in fact, I probably missed A LOT of you this time around as I’m just getting back into the swing of things… sorry in advance). If you don’t see your name on there, please let me know in the comments below and I will add you!
Let’s Plays/Video Content
Sims 4:
- 8BitMom’s Legacy Challenge Ep 35
- A Llewelyn-Jones Games’ Legacy Challenge Ep 1
- Charliesaysgo’s Legacy Challenge Ep 3
- DaiSims’ Legacy Challenge Ep 32
- DangerousViolet’s Wonder Child Challenge Ep 27
- Dollypop’s Legacy Challenge
- ImaginingMystic’s Legacy Challenge Ep 17
- imMaple’s Legacy Challenge Ep 3
- itsLawPaws’ Legacy Challenge Ep 1
- Jellysimwich’s Dolly Legacy Ep 2
- Jessikii’s Legacy Challenge Ep 1
- Karincia94’s Legacy Challenge #96 (Polish, I think)
- Lessthanzero Sims’ Legacy Challenge Ep 41
- LosSimsdeAni’s Legacy Challenge Ep 3 (Spanish)
- LunaDeLula’s Legacy Challenge Ep 15 (Polish… I think)
- M.Kirin’s Legacy Challenge Ep 1
- Mega Simmer’s Legacy Challenge Ep 1
- Molecular Narwhal’s Legacy Challenge Ep 10
- NicksFUN’s Legacy Challenge Ep 18
- SIMple Bliss’ Legacy Challenge Ep 5
- Jules/SourPatchSimmer’s Legacy Challenge Ep 1
- Strawberryqueeny’s Legacy Challenge Ep 1
- Stu Gaming’s Legacy Challenge Ep 10
- Taylor Plays’ Legacy Challenge Ep 10
- Te Triss’ Apocalypse Challenge Ep 47 (Russian)
- Vixella’s Legacy Challenge Ep 8
- Whazzup Wasabi’s Legacy Challenge Ep 3
- ZaiLetsPlay’s Legacy Challenge Ep 6
Sims 3:
- ASMRgames Whispers’ Legacy Challenge Ep 4
- Conker’s Legacy Challenge Ep 9
- CrazySimLady’s Legacy Challenge Ep 5
- The Dynasty Chronicles Ep 32
- Gaming Mamma’s Legacy Challenge Ep 1
- Kiwisimming’s Legacy Challenge Ep 10
- MrKiddyKung’s Legacy Challenge Ep 69
Sims 2:
Written/Story Content
Sims 4:
- Ashes to Ashes: A Legacy (marked NSFW)
- The Belle Legacy
- The Bloom Legacy
- The Bogsmirth Legacy
- The Collins Legacy
- The Cullen Legacy
- The Delaney Legacy
- The Fiore Legacy
- The Foster Legacy
- The Gieke Legacy
- The Grimes Legacy
- The Hefner Legacy (marked NSFW)
- The Huffman Legacy
- The Humble Legacy
- The Ivey Legacy
- Keeping Up with the Joneses
- The Legacy of Klein
- The McDougall Legacy
- The Priest Legacy
- The Thoreau Legacy
Sims 3:
Stories List – 2/29/2016
Hi everyone! Here is the stories list for the last month or so (given that it’s been that long since I’ve last posted one). Sorry for the delay! I meant to get this posted last week, but ended up getting distracted by other things.
As always, if I’ve missed anyone, please let me know!
The Sims 4:
- Ashes to Ashes Ch 2.32
- The Blackmoore Legacy Ch 2.26
- The Bloomer Legacy Ch 8.1
- The Bloomsbury Legacy Ch 1
- The Chance Legacy Ch 3.7
- The Devine Legacy Ch 2.31
- The Elstree Prettacy Ch 48
- Grace, A Build Newcrest Legacy Ch 2.8
- The Harwood Legacy Ch 1.4
- The Hasslich Prettacy Ch 92
- The Heffner Legacy Ch 3.12
- I’m a Lover Challenge Ch 1
- Keeping Up with the Joneses Ch 93
- The Knight Legacy Ch 1.18
- The London Legacy Ch 1.1
- The Mansion on Horrid Hill Ch 1.25
- The Mayhew Legacy Week 7
- The Moreno Legacy Ch 1.08
- The Noble Legacy Ch 2.11
- The Pruett Legacy Ch 10.3 – Legacy Completed!! – Congrats!
- Raerei’s Immigrant Tiny Living Challenge
- The Svendsen Legacy Ch 1.7
- The Thoreau Legacy Ch 2.36
- The TrulyCurly Legacy Ch 20
The Sims 3: