Legacy Challenge Stories

The Sims 3 Let’s Legacy #67 – New House, New Town, Fewer Bugs

After the last episode where my game was seriously attacked by game bugs, I had to seek options to fix it. One of my viewers, JudesSims recommended switching to a new house and town. That seems to have done the trick! So now the Saifais live in Sunset Valley in a pre-built house. Hey, whatever works!


Posted by Mystic in Featured, Legacy Challenge Let's Play, Legacy Challenge Stories, Let's Legacy, Sims 3 Stories

The Leet Sims 4 Legacy Challenge #31 – Decorating for the Holidays

We’re getting close to Christmastime so I figured now was as good a time as any to get the Leet house decorated! If more Christmas decor is added to the game before Christmas I will add it in 🙂

Posted by Mystic in Featured, Legacy Challenge Let's Play, Legacy Challenge Stories, Sims 4 Stories, The Leet Legacy, The Sims 4

The Leet Sims 4 Legacy #29 – Deciding on House Traits

After a brief hiatus, the Leet Legacy is back in action! Also, stay tuned for a brand new challenge announcement here on the website later today!

Posted by Mystic in Featured, Legacy Challenge Let's Play, Legacy Challenge Stories, Sims 4 Stories, The Leet Legacy, The Sims 4