General News

Website Updates and the Random Trait Generator

Website Updates and the Random Trait Generator

Hey everyone!

There have been several questions over the last couple of days about when we will be adding the “Jealousy” trait to the Random Trait Generator.

We are aware that the Random Trait Generator needs to be updated, however I do need to let you all know that it might be a while.

Pinstar recently started a new full time job in another state which requires us to move. There is a lot that needs to get done in real life in the meantime for the move to happen. We need to sell our old house, find a new house, and find a new school for our kids. Pinstar is already working at the new job which leaves me to work on all of the Sims website stuff on top of handling all of the real-life move related stuff and, most importantly, taking care of our two little boys.

We do not update the Random Trait Generator ourselves. We are not adept at programming and had a friend of Brian’s help us with it. I will email him today letting him know about the updates to the generator, but it might take a week or so before you will all see the changes to it.

I apologize for the slowness of the website updates lately, but real life comes first. We will try to make the changes as we can. I will also be trying to finish up the website renovations as soon as I can. Thanks for your patience everyone!

Posted by Mystic in General News, Legacy Challenge Rules, Sims 4 News

Live in 10 minutes with more Sims 4 Fantasia Legacy Fun!



Just letting you all know that I’ll be live in 10 minutes (1pm EST) on my Twitch channel with more Sims 4 Fantasia Legacy fun! The chat voted last week and Menolly is our generation 3 heiress! Can’t wait to see what happens today!


It is completely free to join, follow, and watch on Twitch if you don’t already have an account.

Posted by Mystic in Featured, General News, Legacy Challenge Let's Play, Sims 4 News, Sims 4 Stories, The Sims 4

Live Sims 4 Legacy & Cool Kitchen Stuff Gameplay at Mystic’s Twitch Channel Today!

TwitchMysticRealmHey everyone! Just a quick little post letting you know that I am making my grand return to streaming today, August 12th, at 1pm EST at my Twitch channel. I will be continuing my Sims 4 Fantasia Legacy and checking out all of the new awesome kitchen content in the Cool Kitchen Stuff pack.

If you have never used Twitch before it is completely free to join and watch streams. You do not need to pay anything and can just sit back and watch.

Feel free to join in the conversations in chat and ask me any questions about The Sims 4, my Legacy family, and the new expansion pack!


Posted by Mystic in Featured, General News, Legacy Challenge Let's Play, Legacy Challenge Rules, Legacy Challenge Stories, Sims 4 News, Sims 4 Stories, The Sims 4

Get to Work Challenge Rules Mega-Update

Welcome back portraits. You have been missed.

Welcome back portraits. You have been missed.

I am updating ALL of my challenges with the new gameplay additions introduced with The Sims 4 Get to Work. If you are playing these challenges and have NOT bought Get to Work, simply continue under the older rules.

The Legacy Challenge

(Want to see some of these new changes in action? Check out my wife’s stream of her new Legacy family today at 2pm EST on her Twitch channel!)

  • Added a new Succession Law Category, “Species”, with the following options “Xenoarchy (Heirs must alternate between human and alien) , Xenophobic (Heirs cannot be a different species from the founder)  Brood (Heirs must be carried in a pregnancy by the previous heir, regardless of the heir’s gender), and Tolerant (The species of the child has no impact on their eligibility for heir status). Legacy families in progress may pick one of these to begin following them. (Even if past generations didn’t follow the rule)
  • The founder is allowed to be an alien at start and alien spouses are allowed under normal spouse rules. If a Male Heir is abducted and has an alien baby, that baby may be eligible to be heir (depending on your succession laws).
  • Funds from owned businesses count toward family net worth for the purposes of the fortune score.
  • If your family owns a business the 10th point of fortune (Needing 5.7 million) can been replaced with “Buy every business perk for a Legacy Family Owned Business”. This can be skipped if you do not have your family own a business.
  • Memorializing a Sim via painting is no longer done with a realism painting, but rather a “Paint from reference” portrait. Even though “Paint from reference” unlocks at skill level 3, you need to have it done by a 8+ skill painter for it to count.
  • You may memorialize a Sim with a photograph taken by a Sim with a 5 photography skill.
  • You are allowed to follow Sims to their jobs if taking the new Doctor, Detective, or Scientist careers. Since these careers do not branch, having a sim reach the top level will satisfy the ‘both branches’ requirement in the Nature category.
  • Baking the highest level baking dish can be done in lieu of gourmet cooking to satisfy the ‘Highest Quality version of Baked Alaska’ point.
  • A single Sim must now max Baking in addition to Cooking, Gourmet Cooking, and Mixiology to earn that point.
  • Reduced the required death types from 11 to 10. The 11th “Death by rocket ship crash” is now the same as death by fire.

Continue reading →

Posted by Pinstar Legacy in Apocalypse Challenge, Featured, General News, Legacy Challenge Rules, Other Challenges, Sims 4 News, Wonder Child Challenge

The Sims 4 Get To Work: Retail Then and Now

Sales Socials have changed, these three are just the the introductory ones, many more become available once the customer is curious.

Sales Socials have changed, these three are just the the introductory ones, many more become available once the customer is curious.

(Below are my first impressions of The Sims 4: Get to Work. If you’d like to see the game in action, my wife, ImaginingMystic and I will be livestreaming an early access version of the game from EA on her channel tonight at 8pm EST.)

When The Sims 4: Get To Work (aka GTW) was announced my number one point of excitement was the reintroduction to a *proper* business aspect. The Sims 2: Open for Business (aka OFB) is a stand-out in my mind as the greatest expansion pack of the entire Sims franchise because of the the gameplay it introduced. Comparing the old retail system of OFB with the new one introduced in Get To Work will be the topic of this article.

Continue reading →

Posted by Pinstar Legacy in Featured, General News, Sims 4 News

Getting Ready to Get To Work



Fan Email AssetIf you haven’t seen the trailers yet, or have been otherwise living under a rock, Get to work is slated to hit next month and with it will come some big things for the site. I will be updating all of my existing challenges to account for changes introduced by the new expansion pack. A brand NEW challenge will be introduced related to the business aspect of Get to Work.


Keep your eyes peeled for more updates. There will be a little bit more of a delay between the release of the Get to Work and the release of my new challenge as I was not brought in to attend the Creator’s Camp event for this pack, so I haven’t had a hands-on experience with the game yet. But updates will be posted as I progress in crafting and developing the new challenge.

Posted by Pinstar Legacy in General News, Sims 4 News

ImaginingMystic is streaming The Sims 2 today!

Hey guys! Just a quick post to let you know that I will be streaming The Sims 2 twice today. Once this morning starting at around 10 am EST and again tonight (with Pinstar!) at 8pm EST. We are celebrating our 6th wedding anniversary tomorrow so it seemed fitting to stream the game that brought us together! Expect to see some appearances from Pinstar this morning as well!


You can check out the stream at

Posted by Mystic in General News

Squeamish Trait Now in the Random Trait Generator

Hey everyone, just a quick post to let you know that the Squeamish trait has been added to the Random Trait Generator. Turns out there was a bug that was preventing it from showing up in the first place. It is there now and should be working as intended!

Sorry for the delay.

Posted by Mystic in General News, Legacy Challenge Rules

1.01 Rules update for the Apocalypse Challenge

02-05-15_11-14 AM

After some feedback from the community and some additional playtesting on my part, I have some updates to the rules. The changes are as follows:


  • All TVs are now restricted under the eSport gamer restrictions. If you have been using a TV up until this point, you don’t need to restart just stick it in your family inventory.
  • Rocket Ships are exempt from the “Must be under a roof” rule in the Space Ranger restriction. They must still be within your house’s 8X8 area if Villain hasn’t been lifted, but see the screen shot above to see how you can pull that off without lifting Villain first.
  • Items in the family inventory (regardless of size) are now restricted, tied to the bodybuilder restriction. You may place items INTO family inventory, but may not take anything out of it until bodybuilder is lifted. For those of you with active challenges, you may pull out any items from inventory on a one-time basis before this rule takes effect so you can ‘rescue’ important items that you thought were previously accessible.
Posted by Pinstar Legacy in Apocalypse Challenge, Featured, General News, Other Challenges, Sims 4 News

Random Trait Generator Updated for Outdoor Retreat

Hey everyone! Just a quick update post to let you know that our Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Random Trait Generators have been updated to include the new trait and the new aspiration that were included in The Sims 4 Outdoor Retreat Pack!

For those of you that do not have the Outdoor Retreat pack, if you end up getting a trait/aspiration from Outdoor Retreat, just re-roll to get something different.

Posted by Mystic in General News, Legacy Challenge Rules, Sims 4 News