General News

Let’s Get (More) Social!

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Hey everyone! Hope you all had a great weekend.

You may or may not have seen that I had to take the forums down the other day due to an error that caused a lot of the topics and posts to disappear. I decided that it was really worth keeping them up because it was pretty confusing for me to attempt to run them when I didn’t really know what I was doing. Continue reading →

Posted by Mystic in Apocalypse Challenge, Discord, Featured, General News, Immigrant Challenge, Legacy Challenge Let's Play, Legacy Challenge Stories, Other Challenges, Sims 2 Stories, Sims 3 Stories, Sims 4 News, Sims 4 Stories, The Sims 4, The Sims 4 Block Party Challenge, Wonder Child Challenge

Let’s Play List – 8/10/2016

Hey everyone! I decided to split up the Creator’s List after all as it seemed a bit too long to keep all in one giant list. So I am posting the Let’s Play List today and will have the written stories list up in a few days or early next week!

Unfamiliar with what these lists are? Every week or so, I post a list of links to the latest episodes/chapters of let’s plays and written stories that revolve around one of Pinstar’s or my challenges (Legacy, Apocalypse, Wonder Child, Immigrant, Block Party) for the Sims 2, 3, or 4. I hope it’s a good way to help you all discover new creators out there that you would like to follow!

As always if I’ve missed anyone, please let me know! Continue reading →

Posted by Mystic in Apocalypse Challenge, Featured, General News, Legacy Challenge Let's Play, Legacy Challenge Stories, Other Challenges, Sims 2 Stories, Sims 3 Stories, The Leet Legacy, The Sims 4, Wonder Child Challenge

Website Cleanup and the Forums

Hey everyone!

I just wanted to let you know that over the course of the next few days I am going to be sprucing up the website a bit and trying to make it a bit more organized. I also have some ideas for new content that I’d like to start posting here on a more regular basis that I am working on in the background right now as well. I’ll post more information once I have it!

Finally… I know not many people used our Forums here, but I unfortunately had to remove them yesterday. I was trying to fix some things on it (without knowing at all what I was doing) and ended up causing an error on the forums to the point where I couldn’t even get them to load anymore (good job me!). It ended up being a huge headache and 2 hours of frustration to the point where I decided it’d make more sense just to remove them. In a few weeks when the new content additions are announced for the site, I think the forums will more or less become obsolete anyway. I am really sorry if this is an inconvenience to anyone. Honestly, I rarely remembered to check them and they were pretty quiet anyway.

I’ll keep you all posted about my upcoming content additions soon!

Posted by Mystic in Featured, Forum Updates, General News

Creators List – 8/1/2016

It’s baaaaack!

Hey everyone! Sorry for not getting one of these lists up in SO long, but as you know, the move took a lot out of me and it is taking a while to get back into the swing of things.

I decided to lump Let’s Plays and Stories into one list and just call it a “Creators List” since I am highlight the works of various Legacy, Wonderchild, Apocalypse, Block Party etc Simmers. I have also decided that this list will not be updated weekly at the moment as I don’t have time to do so. It will most likely be released monthly for now.

As always, there is a very good chance that I have missed people while making this list (in fact, I probably missed A LOT of you this time around as I’m just getting back into the swing of things… sorry in advance). If you don’t see your name on there, please let me know in the comments below and I will add you!

Let’s Plays/Video Content

Sims 4:

Sims 3:

Sims 2:

Written/Story Content

Sims 4:

Sims 3:

Posted by Mystic in Apocalypse Challenge, Featured, Featured Legacy of the Week, General News, Legacy Challenge Let's Play, Legacy Challenge Rules, Legacy Challenge Stories, Other Challenges, Sims 2 Stories, Sims 3 Stories, Sims 4 Stories, The Leet Legacy, The Sims 4, Wonder Child Challenge

The Leet Legacy #18 – Cid Grows Up

Posted by Mystic in Featured, General News, Legacy Challenge Let's Play, Legacy Challenge Stories, Sims 4 News, Sims 4 Stories, The Leet Legacy, The Sims 4

The Leet Legacy is back!

Hey everyone! Just wanted to let you all know that the Leet Legacy is back on Youtube! Episode 14 was posted today and I will be trying to make it so that I can get at least 2 episodes of it up per week along with at least one Rosebud Challenge episode!

I’ll be going back to the Legacy Stories and LP lists soon! I’m trying to get everything re-organized again 🙂

Posted by Mystic in Featured, General News, Legacy Challenge Let's Play, Legacy Challenge Stories, Sims 4 News, Sims 4 Stories, The Leet Legacy, The Sims 4

Update & Steam Sale Info


Hey everyone!

First of all, I wanted to apologize for our lack of updates lately. I haven’t really updated the website since before our move. I am going to be starting things back up again in about a week once our kids start summer camp. I’ll be making sure to answer all past comments, and making regular posts again. Thanks for being patient guys!

I’ll also be starting up my Youtube channel and Legacy Challenge Let’s Play again in the next week or so as well. I can’t wait to get back into it!

The other thing that I wanted to address is Pinstar’s Youtube Channel. As most of you know, Pinstar has a Youtube channel dedicated to strategy and simulation games with explanations and tips on how to play. Several of the games that he has covered on his channel are currently on sale on Steam for the summer sale. I’d like to post a list of which games he’s covered are for sale with a link to his playlists in case you’d like to check them out.

Stardew Valley – 20 % off (store link)

Cities: Skylines – 60% off (store link)

Banished – 66% off (store link)

Stellaris – 10% off (store link)

This War of Mine – 75% off (store link)

Tropico 5 – 75% off (store link)

Dungeon of the Endless – 66% off (store link)

Offworld Trading Company – 50% off (store link)

Armello – 25% off (store link)

Big Pharma – 50% off (store link)

Invisible Inc. – 66% off (store link)

Planetbase – 30% off (store link)

EmpireTV Tycoon – 35% off (store link)

Rebuild 3 – 35% off (store link)

Renowned Explorers – 50% off (store link)

Darkest Dungeon – 40% off (store link)

Democracy 3: Africa – 33% off (store link)

Posted by Mystic in General News

Let’s Play List – 2/23/2016

Yikes! It’s been a full month since I’ve posted one of the Let’s Play lists! The good news is, our move to our new house is now complete so I should be able to start posting these more regularly. Thanks for being patience guys!

As always, if I’ve missed anyone, please let me know!

Sims 4 Apocalypse Challenge:

Sims 4 Block Party Challenge:

Sims 4 Legacy Challenge:

Sims 4 Wonder Child:

Sims 3 Legacy Challenge:

Sims 2 Legacy Challenge:

Posted by Mystic in Apocalypse Challenge, Featured, General News, Legacy Challenge Let's Play, Other Challenges, Sims 2 Stories, Sims 3 Stories, Sims 4 Stories, The Sims 4, The Sims 4 Block Party Challenge, Wonder Child Challenge