General News

Introducing The Wonder Child Challenge!


Wonder Child

Like the new features of child rearing? Think you’re a pretty good Sim parent? Interested in a shorter but more intense challenge than the Legacy Challenge?


Presenting the Wonder Child Challenge! Test your parental mettle when you try to raise the most skilled, successful and educated child from birth to young adulthood. (You can also find a link to the Challenge in the drop-down menu above under “Other Challenges”.)


Here is a video to help get you started. Below that is a link to the rules of the challenge.


Posted by Pinstar Legacy in Featured, General News, Other Challenges, Sims 4 News, Sims 4 Stories

Complete overhaul of the Sims 4 Legacy Rules Scoring section!

Pinstar and I have completely overhauled the Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Rules Scoring section! It is now laid out in an easier to read bulletpoint format so that you can see exactly how the points are laid out. A few changes were also made to some of the categories after finding issues with them and listening to feedback.

Pinstar has also finalized the point distribution for all categories! Now that that is done, expect an official scoresheet soon!

Posted by Mystic in General News, Legacy Challenge Rules, Sims 4 News

Upcoming FREE content to the Sims 4!!

New Content Sims 4

Pinstar was part of a conference call with several other Simmers and SimGurus this morning to discuss FREE content coming to the Sims 4 in the next few months and we wanted to share this all with you.

Continue reading →

Posted by Mystic in Featured, General News, Sims 4 News

Legacy Challenge Rules Update 0.96

Parker Masque might be gone, but he's not forgotten.

Parker Masque might be gone, but he’s not forgotten.

Hello everyone, below you will find the following changes to the Legacy Challenge Rules:

A new concept is being introduced. The first spouse brought into the house each generation (once that generation’s heir reaches young adulthood) is known as the “Primary Spouse” The distinction of “Primary Spouse” does NOT mean the spouse HAS to be the sim who helps bring about the next generation. The “Primary Spouse” distinction is, however, important for two scoring categories.

In the “Love” category, determining which spouse’s traits to consider for collecting unique traits only looks at “Primary Spouses” even if more spouses are moved in later in a generation and/or are used to produce the next generation. Any spouses moved in AFTER the primary spouse are ignored for the purposes of the love category.

When using the trait calculator to determine a new child’s traits, the ‘secondary parent’ section is whoever was involved in the child’s birth or adoption. Weather they are a Primary or secondary spouse doesn’t matter always use that child’s actual parent when using the trait calculator (whether it be a primary spouse, secondary spouse, non-spouse etc)

A rule change for the Creative category has also been implemented. In order to earn points in the creative category, only the Founder/Heir and their primary spouse have to be memorialized in each generation to earn that generation’s point. There is no rule against memorializing spares and secondary spouses, but they are optional for the purpose of the creative point.

A Sim may be memorialized at any time, even after their death. However the person doing the memorial work must have known the Sim being memorialized in life at some point (They don’t have to have been friends with them, just have met them at least once)

Posted by Pinstar Legacy in Featured, General News, Legacy Challenge Rules, Sims 4 News

Major updates to the Random Trait Generator are now live!

Hey everyone! Our super awesome tech guru did a major update to our trait generator last night and hopefully it is working as intended now.

First off, adult aspirations are now generated for teens instead of adults.

Secondly, the bug that was preventing parents from having certain traits has been fixed.

Finally, we added a SECOND generator to the site, this one will give you all traits and aspirations at once (like the generator used to do). Several people had requested it back, so, ask and you shall receive. Both generators can be found on the menu above. The new generator is called “Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Random Trait Generator (All traits at once).”

Here are the links to both generators:

Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Random Trait Generator (1 trait/aspiration at a time)
Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Random Trait Generator (All Traits at Once)

Posted by Mystic in General News, Legacy Challenge Rules, Sims 4 News

Random Trait Generator update!

The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Random Trait Generator has been updated today. The updates are as follows:

The traits of the two parents are no longer locked with child/teen/adult trait levels, meaning that you can now freely populate traits in all three slots. For some of you who had founders with no child-friendly traits, you should now be able to correctly plug your founder into the calculator.

Next update: Adding a “Generate only one life stage” mode to the calculator, letting you only generate a child trait/aspiration, a teen trait/ adult aspiration or the third adult trait one at a time so you don’t spoil what all the traits are going to be when you do your initial generation, or worry about forgetting with the later traits were.

Posted by Pinstar Legacy in General News, Legacy Challenge Rules, Sims 4 News

Important (too little too late) Sims 3 Legacy Challenge rule update

Hey everyone! So first of all, I really apologize for this. This rule change is coming WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too late for many of you, but hopefully those of you that are still planning on playing the challenge until the release of Sims 4 (and beyond) will be able to make use of this. Also, you can rest assured that we will do lots of playtesting with this particular rule in the Sims 4 to make sure we don’t make an incorrect assumption again.


In the Sims 2 adopted Sims did not show up in the family tree of the founder. We assumed that that was the case in Sims 3 as well. It wasn’t. I only JUST realized this yesterday when I was recording a new episode of Let’s Legacy. I had my founder adopt a Sim and lo and behold, she showed up in his family tree as if she were born into the family. Uh oh. That changes everything!


I also did further testing with a dummy family and realized that if that adopted Sim then turns around and adopts another Sim THAT Sim still shows up as being the grandchild of the original adopting parent. So the adopted children can DEFINITELY trace their lineage to the founder.

If adopted Sims can show up in the family tree, then they can trace their lineage back to the founder. It’s true they aren’t TECHNICALLY blood related, but they can trace their lineage and that is what is important in the Legacy challenge. So, from here on out, adopted Sims CAN count as heirs and spares. This opens up the option of having a homosexual heir without the use of mods to get them pregnant.

Now granted, for those of you that like to have certain genes pass, adoption still isn’t a valid option, but for people that want a homosexual heir, this now becomes a valid way to have them without the use of mods.

Again, we are really sorry that this particular rule change came so late. With us being out of the game for so long to have our own kids and then coming back, it just wasn’t something we got around to playtesting until I started my new Legacy family.

So… from now on, adopted Sims CAN count as heirs/spares. Once the Sims 4 releases we will take a look at how adopted Sims are treated in regards to how they show up on the family tree and plan accordingly.

This rule change shouldn’t step on the toes of the Adoptacy rules either (which is written by someone else) as the base rules for that challenge are still quite different from our 10 Generation Legacy rules.

Posted by Mystic in General News

The Legacy Challenge Strategy and Tactics #1 with Pinstar

Hey guys, just a quick little update from us! Pinstar has started a new Youtube series called “The Legacy Challenge Strategy and Tactics”. If you want to know his tips and tricks for starting a new Legacy family in The Sims 3, check it out below!

Posted by Mystic in General News

The Fantasia Legacy is on hiatus for a bit


Hi everyone! For those of you following my Fantasia Legacy, I just wanted to let you know that I am going to be taking a break from posting the chapters for a bit. I have mentioned in a previous post that I am now working for an indie game website called as an editor. Well, I’ve also started live streaming for them on several nights per week, and am also writing reviews and news now as well. I am enjoying every second of it, but it doesn’t leave me much Sims time, especially on top of taking care of my kids. I don’t plan on canceling this Legacy story by any means, it just may be a while before I get a chance to write up another batch of chapters.

My working for Shoost will also not affect this website or our forums in any way. Everything will still be here and we will still answer your questions as they come in, I just need a break from my Legacy story. We will also post any and all Sims 4 news as it relates to the Legacy Challenge as we find out new information.

Happy simming everyone!

Posted by Mystic in General News

Sims 3 + Expansions are the Steam Daily Deal today!

Steam Daily Deal Sims 3

Today’s Steam Daily Deal is none other than The Sims 3 and all of its expansions! For today only you can purchase the base game plus all expansions for up to 60% off. If you have someone that you’d like to buy the game for, or are interested in buying it for yourself, today is the day to do so!

Posted by Mystic in General News