Pinstar Legacy

Legacy Challenge Rules Update 0.96

Parker Masque might be gone, but he's not forgotten.

Parker Masque might be gone, but he’s not forgotten.

Hello everyone, below you will find the following changes to the Legacy Challenge Rules:

A new concept is being introduced. The first spouse brought into the house each generation (once that generation’s heir reaches young adulthood) is known as the “Primary Spouse” The distinction of “Primary Spouse” does NOT mean the spouse HAS to be the sim who helps bring about the next generation. The “Primary Spouse” distinction is, however, important for two scoring categories.

In the “Love” category, determining which spouse’s traits to consider for collecting unique traits only looks at “Primary Spouses” even if more spouses are moved in later in a generation and/or are used to produce the next generation. Any spouses moved in AFTER the primary spouse are ignored for the purposes of the love category.

When using the trait calculator to determine a new child’s traits, the ‘secondary parent’ section is whoever was involved in the child’s birth or adoption. Weather they are a Primary or secondary spouse doesn’t matter always use that child’s actual parent when using the trait calculator (whether it be a primary spouse, secondary spouse, non-spouse etc)

A rule change for the Creative category has also been implemented. In order to earn points in the creative category, only the Founder/Heir and their primary spouse have to be memorialized in each generation to earn that generation’s point. There is no rule against memorializing spares and secondary spouses, but they are optional for the purpose of the creative point.

A Sim may be memorialized at any time, even after their death. However the person doing the memorial work must have known the Sim being memorialized in life at some point (They don’t have to have been friends with them, just have met them at least once)

Posted by Pinstar Legacy in Featured, General News, Legacy Challenge Rules, Sims 4 News

Legacy Challenge Version 0.95 Rules Update

Running out of Townies? You can now use the gallery! Look up #LegacyLoves and grab some new potential spouse material.

Running out of Townies? You can now use the gallery! Look up #LegacyLoves and grab some new potential spouse material.



The following changes are being made to the core Legacy Challenge Rules. as with this and all other Legacy Challenge rule updates, there is no need to restart your Legacy Family. Simply begin playing your families with the new rules going forward.

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Posted by Pinstar Legacy in Featured, Legacy Challenge Rules, Sims 4 News

Pinstar’s Top 10 Tips for the Legacy Challenge’s 1st generation

The Legacy Challenge is meant to start you off in a much more difficult position than a ‘normal’ game’s start might dictate. And with the rule change to where new spouses no longer bring in any money, the early game is about to become more difficult.

To help get your familes off to a strong start, here are my top 10 tips for getting started with your Legacy Challenge.

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Posted by Pinstar Legacy in Featured, Legacy Challenge Rules, Sims 4 News

Random Trait Generator update!

The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Random Trait Generator has been updated today. The updates are as follows:

The traits of the two parents are no longer locked with child/teen/adult trait levels, meaning that you can now freely populate traits in all three slots. For some of you who had founders with no child-friendly traits, you should now be able to correctly plug your founder into the calculator.

Next update: Adding a “Generate only one life stage” mode to the calculator, letting you only generate a child trait/aspiration, a teen trait/ adult aspiration or the third adult trait one at a time so you don’t spoil what all the traits are going to be when you do your initial generation, or worry about forgetting with the later traits were.

Posted by Pinstar Legacy in General News, Legacy Challenge Rules, Sims 4 News

A larger potential change to the spouse rules – we need your feedback!



Having unearthed some more information about how the family management tool works, detailed in this video. I made a small change to the rules that won’t negatively impact anyone’s Legacy Challenge. However, a more drastic change possibility has presented itself, but I’d like to see what everyone thinks before I make any bigger rule changes. Continue reading →

Posted by Pinstar Legacy in Featured, Legacy Challenge Rules, Sims 4 News

Share your Legacy Challenges with us!

I_am_Poppy's Legacy Family gets off to a rough start. Can she recover? Wait and see!

@I_am_Poppy’s Legacy Family gets off to a rough start. Can she recover? Wait and see!

With the Legacy Challenge rules released yesterday, we are already seeing an outpouring of people getting started with their families! Half the fun of the Legacy Challenge is telling your family’s unique story, and we want to hear about it! If you have a blog, a story, a Let’s Play, a movie, or anything detailing YOUR experience with the Legacy Challenge, we want to hear it!

Submit your stories and keep your eyes peeled for news of your fellow Legacy Challenge Simmers and their stories right here!

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Posted by Pinstar Legacy in Featured, Legacy Challenge Stories, Sims 4 News

Early Access Stream of the Sims 4!

masquefamilyI have the good fortune of getting the Sims 4 one day early and want to share that fortune with all of you! Come visit me on my twitch page ( and join in the fun as I continue the Masque family you’ve read so much about. This isn’t my formal play-through of the Legacy Challenge, merely a continuation of what I started at Creator’s Camp. My planned start time is 12PM EST but there are a lot of variables that might delay that. BUT expect to see some streaming goodness from me today one way or another. Keep an eye on my twitter feed (@Pinstar) for more specific information.
Posted by Pinstar Legacy

The Sims 4 Creator’s Camp: Strategy & Tactics

For those of you with a ‘play to win’ approach to playing the Sims or for those of you looking to get a little jump start on your families and like to see your families doing well, I present to you a quick Strategy & Tactics article based on my experiences in Creator’s Camp. This is by no means a comprehensive guide. In fact, you’ll notice most of these are “Learn from my fail” style tips. While I am a veteran of the Sims franchise back to the original, I still had a lot to learn when I picked up the Sims 4.

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Posted by Pinstar Legacy in Sims 4 Creator's Camp, Sims 4 News

Legacy Challenge Rules Teaser: Succession Laws

Two children, but who will be the heir of the 2nd generation?

Two children, but who will be the heir of the 2nd generation?

In a previous post, I made a poll asking the community to weigh in on how I should handle the question of ‘who becomes heir’. With a little bit of variation, the results have become crystal clear and pretty much maintained these ratios since day 2 of the poll.

With over a thousand responses, here is how the results were distributed.

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Posted by Pinstar Legacy in Legacy Challenge Rules, Sims 4 Creator's Camp, Sims 4 News

Sims 4 Creators Camp: Paintings, Decorations, and Mood Auras


Of the six motive bars present in the Sims 4 (hunger, bladder, energy, fun, hygiene, and social) environment is absent. This is nothing new, as the environment bar was absent in the Sims 3 as well. In the Sims 3, the environment bar was replaced with moodlets. If your Sim was in an area with lots of decorations, they’d get a positive moodlet, and if they were in a pig sty with lots of dirty objects, they’d get a negative moodlet. The Sims 4 incorporates environment-as-moodlets in a similar manner, but gives the whole system some major enhancements along the way.

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Posted by Pinstar Legacy in Sims 4 Creator's Camp, Sims 4 News