After some feedback from the community and some additional playtesting on my part, I have some updates to the rules. The changes are as follows:
- All TVs are now restricted under the eSport gamer restrictions. If you have been using a TV up until this point, you don’t need to restart just stick it in your family inventory.
- Rocket Ships are exempt from the “Must be under a roof” rule in the Space Ranger restriction. They must still be within your house’s 8X8 area if Villain hasn’t been lifted, but see the screen shot above to see how you can pull that off without lifting Villain first.
- Items in the family inventory (regardless of size) are now restricted, tied to the bodybuilder restriction. You may place items INTO family inventory, but may not take anything out of it until bodybuilder is lifted. For those of you with active challenges, you may pull out any items from inventory on a one-time basis before this rule takes effect so you can ‘rescue’ important items that you thought were previously accessible.
Hey so I’m trying to play this challenge and I had a question about phones. It says in the rules they can only be used for taking/quitting jobs until the restriction is lifted. Does this include using them for phone calls? Are we unable to contact other sims? How are we supposed to create/maintain relationships with walkbys?
You may not call and invite or chat with walkbys. How do you do it? You need to instant-friend the walkby before they leave. It is possible to get them friendly enough to join your household, which you may do one per generation. If one you are working on leaves, try again with another. It isn’t impossible with the phone restrictions still in place.
So does this mean you can’t use any career rewards until you lift both Interstellar Smuggler AND Weightlifter? And likewise what about items that you create on the workbench that are put straight into the family inventory?
If you unlock interstellar smuggler but not weightlifter, you can’t move the freebie version of the career reward out of family inventory and use it. You may, however, buy a brand new version of that reward object and place it in the house. And yes, created items on a workbench are stuck in family inventory until weightlifter is unlocked.
For those of us who have the Outdoor retreat gamepack how are our sim going to get the 3 cooking skill point needed to fry fish on the grill if we can’t a) buy skill books (restricted by author) b) can’t watch the cooking channel on the TV (restricted by e-gamer) or c) cook anything other than fish (restricted by culinary?
Play with the non-outdoor life pack rules (IE can make hotdogs as long as you have a fish in inventory) until you get enough cooking skill to grill fish.