Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Rules Playtest Series!

It’s finally time for Pinstar and me to update our Sims 4 Legacy Challenge rules and to do that, I need to do some playtesting! I thought it would be fun to make this into a Youtube series so that you all can post suggestions and questions as we go!

Posted by Mystic in The Sims 4

How to start a Sims 2 Legacy Challenge in 2025!

With the release of the Sims 2 Legacy Collection on both EA and Steam, I thought it would be a good time to update my getting started guide on Youtube!

If you are new or returning to the challenge with these re-releases, definitely check this video out!

Posted by Mystic

Scoresheet Page Overhaul

The Legacy Challenge Scoresheet page has had a complete overhaul. I went through and removed the sheets that are no longer being updated and am keeping the ones that are. As of right now those are HillieE’s and Becky’s sheets!

Posted by Mystic

Life & Death Legacy Challenge Updates!

Hi everyone! I just wanted to let you all know that we will absolutely be updating the rules and the trait generators for the Life & Death expansion pack (affiliate link), but these updates will be at least a week late. I’m going to be traveling and I won’t have time to playtest anything until I get back, but the updates will hopefully go up some time in mid-November!

Posted by Mystic

Oh hey… we’re back!

Hello everyone! I realize it has been almost a year since I’ve updated the website. Life has been hectic and to be honest, I ended up putting The Sims pretty far on the backburner. I haven’t even played the game in over a year.

However, I am trying to get back into updating things and have also been itching to play the Sims again. Anticipate updates to the trait generators later today and tomorrow.

I have a few other things that I’d like to look into and discuss in the future as well!

In the meantime, since I am not great at reading comments on here, if you have questions that you want answered more quickly, please join the Discord for the Legacy Challenge! I am trying to get that server going again as it is easier to hop in there and answer questions/comments that might arise.

Please stay tuned for updates!

Posted by Mystic

Legacy Rules updated to include Science Babies

Hello everyone! I am slowly making my way through all of the new updates to the game and have updated the rules and succession laws to include science babies (hint: they count as naturally born as long as they can trace their lineage to the founder). The Legacy Challenge Lite rules have been updated as well.

I’ll be updating everything else for Growing Together as I get more time to play it. Stay tuned!

Posted by Mystic in Legacy Challenge Rules, The Sims 4